Who, me? I am thou, thou art I. Remember?

There’s an interesting predicament we seem to have found ourselves in when deciding to write this up, which version of me is the one which we want to present to you? We choose to use we pronouns as there are so many different personalities or “I’s” inside of this flesh suit. The “I” being one of the biggest lies we encounter within our lives. The individual ha! Have you noticed the more and more connected we get how everyone is quirky, cool, nerdy? Death to the individual.

So, who do we talk to you about within this bio? The copy writer who’s sharp witted and good with words? Do we tell you about the lover who’s fierce in bed? Do we choose to tell you about the wizard who’s always showing up right on time and continues to practice his magic for the good of himself and the good of all? 

All of these are different aspects of who we sometimes choose to be and at the same time are only a small smattering of our personality. With there being so many of “us” in here which one is the real me and which one isn’t? Which one’s are we consciously aware of enough to actually recognize? Which ones aren’t we consciously aware of and then allow to come out a play sometimes running my life amuck? 

Are they all real or are they all just concepts of who I think I need to be inside of certain societal parameters, cultural contexts, or the folks we’re choosing to be around? Extend that idea further out to the differences between you and I. Where do you begin and I end? Are there any? Who is the one writing and who is the one reading? 

  • Xander Jobe, temple founder

    Guy Xander


    After an unexpected departure from my old way of living, working and being and finding our mentor we decided to see just how deep this rabbit hole goes. It’s been an ever expanding project full of joy, heartache, pain, growth, smiles endless laughing and ultimately perfect just as it is. We’re so darned excited to be sharing all of it with you. :D

  • Xander Jobe, sex god

    Slutty Xander


    We are a partnered to two lovely people We’re dating, and enjoying the ethical non monogamous side of life as it’s more fun to explore this dream with a variety of different flavors.

  • Being Xander


    We believe in autonomy of choice and ultimately it all leads back to the same place. So why not lean in and let Jesus take the wheel? It takes a lot of the pressure off of writing/doing/being and allows me to just flow and vibe with people in whatever way feels good and right in the moment.