We want you to come.

We want to see you.

We want to know why you want to come with us.

We want you to come for free or $111.11, instead of the GA price of $444.44.

We do ask that you attend at least one of our classes before being considered for a scholarship.

We wouldn’t be here without our community and it is an honor to give back to you all in this way.

Samsara Temple Retreats are built upon three pillars, enthusiastic and informed consent, breaking down the societal norms (that we all fall into so easily), and the freedom to show up as you are and be seen as who you are today - not who you were or who you want to be - we see the person in front of us and say “Hi, lets grow together.” That being said - we want to get to know you a little more.

Once submitted - a member of our team will reach out to you with with next steps. Your application does not automatically mean that you will receive the applied for position.

We can’t wait to spend a weekend together.